次の問いの英文を読み、下線部の語句の意味を文章から推測し、( )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1〜4のうちから1つずつ選べ。
Are acts of altruism unique to human beings? From my experience I must say that they are also
present in the animal world. I was raised on a farm and was brought up
surrounded by animals. Once I was being attacked by a large dog and began yelling for help. A
horse came running up from a distant field and chased away the dog. We also had a dog that protected our cat. When the cat was being attacked by other dogs, our dog drove them away by barking.
Here, altruism means ( ).
1. acting bravely to protect one's own honor
2. being true to oneself as well as to others
3. doing something for the sake of others
4. using your brain to understand a situation
1. 自分の名誉を守るために勇敢に行動すること
2. 他人に対しても自分自身に対しても正直であること
3. 他人のために何かをすること
4. 状況を理解するために知力を使うこと
本文を見てみると2つの具体例(赤字と青字)があることがわかります。れぞれ「馬が私 (人間) を助けた話」と「犬が猫を助けた話」。
1. は「名誉のために」がおかしいので不正解。 2. 4. も当てはまらない。馬と人間、犬と猫という関係から考えて
3. が正解ですね。
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