Students should be free to choose what they want to wear to school. Granted, there are some shirts that have offensive writing on them but the majority of messages are not offensive. Most messages do not negatively affect our learning and attention in class. If we have a dress code at all, it should state that students cannot wear clothes with insulting words on them. But, that is it. I'm sure that whether there is a dress code or not, my friends will wear what they know is fine and appropriate in school. Teachers should trust us to be able to determine whether or not the clothes we decide to wear are appropriate.
1. A dress code cannot prevent students from wearing clothing with offensive messages.
2. In most cases, students can determine what clothing is acceptable to
wear to school.
3. Teachers can be trust to make a dress code that students will accept.
4. Students should be encouraged to make a school dress code for themselves.
1. 服装規定は生徒たちが気分を害するメッセージのある服を着るのをやめさせられない。
2. ほとんどの場合、学生は学校へ着ていくのにどんな服が適しているかを決められる。
3. 学生が受け入れられる服装規定を、つくることについて先生たちを信用することができる。
4. 学生たちは自分自身で学校の服装規定をつくるよう奨励されるべきだ。
But の後ろの文は
But, that is it. I'm sure that whether there is a dress code or not, my friends will wear what they know is fine and appropriate in school.
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