( ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを下の1〜4のうちから1つ選べ。
Moderator : Are there any other views which we should consider?
Joe : Video games definitely influence some teenagers in bad ways. There was an incident in which two teenagers were found with a rifle in their home. They had used it to shoot at trucks passing by, and had killed a man. It seems that they were influenced by a video games. Parents should check the content of video games before buying them for their children. They need to take an active role in determining what their children are allowed to play.
Moderator : Thank you, Joe. You have mentioned one negative aspect of video games. What you said is that ( ).
1. children cannot stop playing video games, and sit indoors all day long,
resulting in poor health
2. children who play many video games can understand the difference between
reality and virtual reality
3. people kill other people because they believe that they will come back
to life again by pressing the reset button
4. video games may make children imitate improper behavior, so parents
should choose games carefully
They need to take an active role in determining what their children are
allowed to play. / 彼ら (両親) は遊ぶことを子供たちに許すかを決める積極的な役割を果たす必要がある
・what は先行詞を含む、関係代名詞になります。
1. 子供たちはテレビゲームをやめられず、一日中部屋の中で座り、結果不健康になる。
2. たくさんテレビゲームをする子供たちは、現実と非現実の違いを理解することができる。
3. リセットボタンを押すことにより再び生き返ると信じるので、人々は他人を殺す。
4. テレビゲームのせいで子供たちは無作法な行動を真似するかもしれないので、親は注意してゲームを選ばなくてはならない。
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