


 What do you like to drink when you get thirsty? Since 1987, the popularity of different types of packaged soft drinks in Japan has changed considerably. During the late 80s, carbonated drinks of all sorts (such as sodas and colas) were the leaders in popularity, with fruit juices a close second and coffee-based drinks a bit further back in the competition. By 2004, however, those drinks had lost their lead to the newest entry into this market: tea-based drinks of all types. Tea drinks, which include green teas, took the lead over both carbonated drinks and coffee-based drinks. The total production of tea-based drinks was nearly double that of the nearest competitors: carbonated drinks and coffee drinks. Fruit juices had fallen to fourth in popularity with a drop in production of nearly one fourth since their highest levels in the late 80s. Fifth place was held by sports drinks, which in 1987 were in fourth place ahead of tea drinks. At about the same time that green tea became a packaged product, vegetable juices also began to appear on the market. They have had a very small but relatively consistent place in the market since then.
 One of the reasons for the popularity of tea-based drinks might be that many people like to have a non-sweetened green tea drink with the rice balls that they but at convenience stores. Many other types of packaged soft drinks contain some amount of sugar which doesn't really fit people's taste when eating rice.

In the graph, which type of drink does "X" stand for?

1. Carbonated drinks / 2. Fruit juices / 3. Green teas / 4. Vegetable juices

グラフで「X」に当てはまるドリンクの種類は何ですか? という問題ですね。グラフの「X」の何に注目するかですが、やはり、1987年の時点でトップであったことでしょう。

During the late 80s, carbonated drinks of all sorts (such as sodas and colas) were the leaders in popularity

これは簡単ですね。正解は 1. しかありません。(というか「Y」を問題にした方が面白いと思うのだが、なんでセンター試験の出題者はそうしなかったのだろう・・・)



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